



star-rated hotel


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爱心词典 世界文学巡礼


A cluster of 4-5 star hotels right at the city center is close to Beijing's best attractions and shopping area.


The reception capacity of hotels in Beijing saw new elevation. At the end of the year, specially designated hotels totaled 554, of which 506 hotels were star-level ones. The guest rooms totaled 93,000, an increase of 9,000 in number from that at the end of 2000.


A four-star restaurant.


In Yunnan there are 220 tourist areas and scenery sights. Meanwhile 399 travel agencies and 670 hotels (Kunming and other 12 main tourist cities have 263 starred hotels), some 2500 high-grade tourist vehicles, more than 100 tourist boats, and more than 20 thousand people engaging in tourism.



6.55 star classes

6.5.1 hotels layouts are reasonable

A. The function division is reasonable

B. The facility easy to operate, is safe

Inside and outside 6.5.2 repairs uses upscale, the luxurious material,the craft is fine, has the prominent style

In 6.5.3 hotels the public information graph mark conforms toLB/AT001.

6.5.4 has the central air conditioning (villa type country clubto be an exception), various regions ventilate good

6.5.5 has the computer management system which adapts with the hotelstar class

6.5.6 has the background music system

6.5.7 lobbies

A. The area is spacious, adapts with the reception ability

B. Atmosphere luxurious, style unique, decoration elegant, the tone iscoordinated, 光线充足

E. Has with the hotel scale, the total service desk which the starclass adapts

D. Total service desk some Chinese and English symbolized that,divides the sector establishment reception, asks, pay up,24h has thestaff in the hillock

E. Provides the message service

F. Provides the disposable general ledger single pay up service(commodity to be an exception).

G. Provides the credit card service

H.18h provides the foreign currency exchange service

I. The total service desk provides the hotel service projectpropaganda material, the hotel price list, the Chinese and Englishthis city transportation map, the national traveling transportationmap, this city and the nation scenic site introduced that, each kindof transportation vehicle timetable, with stays at an inn thepublication which the visitor adapts

J. But 8h directly accepts domestic and the international guest roomorders, and can the generation subscribe the domestic other hotelguest rooms

K. Has valuables safety deposit box which the hotel and the visitorsimultaneously opens The safety deposit box position security, thehiding, can protect visitor's privacy

I. Supposes the gate guard to receive,18h to welcome sees a visitorout the person

M. Supposes the professional baggage, has special-purpose baggagecar,24h to provide the baggage service, has 小件行李 thedepository

N. Supposes is on duty Manager,24h to receive the visitor

O. Supposes great hall Manager,18h in the lobby service

P. In non- supposes the visitor after the barracks area to rest theplace

Q. Provides in the shop to look for missing persons the service

R. Provides the broker to order with the arrangement taxi service

8. The entrance hall and the main public region have the disabledperson to leave the person slopeway, provides the wheelchair Has thedisabled person special-purpose health once in a while to involve theposition, can provide the special service for the disabled person

T. At least can use 2 kind of foreign languages (English for necessarylanguage classification) to provide the service Each kind ofinstruction with at least uses the Chinese and English with theservice with the writing simultaneously to express

U. The switchboard at least can use 3 kind of foreign languages(English for the necessary language classification > to provide thetelephone service for the visitor

6.5.8 guest rooms

A. At least some 40 (set) may supply the hiring the guest room

B.70% guest room area (do not contain bathroom and corridor) is notsmaller than 20 square meters

C. Repairs luxuriously, has the luxurious cushioning bed, the writingdesk, the wardrobe and the clothes rack, the tea several, chair orsimple sofa, headstock, bedside lamp, desk lamp, floor lamp, wholebody mirror, luggage rack contour level necessary furniture In theroom 满铺 the high-quality rug, or is the high quality wood floorand so on Uses the region illumination also the goal 照明度 isgood

D. Has the bathroom, is loaded with high-level pumps water 恭 thecedar, the dressing table (provides basin, combs 妆 mirror), thebathtub and the belt shower head (has alone showers to be allowed notto bring shower head), has the bath curtain, 晾衣绳 Takes theeffective skid resistant measure The bathroom uses the luxuriousbuilding material to repair the ground loftily, the wall surface, thetone gentle, uses the district illumination also the goal 照明度 isgood Has the good exhaust system,110/220V power source plug, thetelephone auxiliary engine, has the air blower and the body weightcalled

D.24h supplies coldly, hot water

E. Has may directly dial makes domestic and the internationallong-distance telephone Nearby the telephone has the operatinginstructions and local the telephone directory

F. Has the color tv set, the acoustic equipment, and has the closedcircuit television telecast system The broadcast frequency channelmany to 16, including the satellite TV program or manages oneself theprogram, has quite says the instruction explanation and the playbillThe broadcast content should conform to the Chinese governmentstipulation Manages oneself the program at least to have 2 frequencychannels, many to 2 broadcasts, in the evening finished the broadcasttime not to be earlier every day than before dawn 1 o'clock

G. Has extremely effective guards against the noise and thesound-insulated measure

H. In has the window blind and the outer layer shields light thewindow blind

I. Has between the single

J. Has the anteroom

K. Some at least 5 standard widths luxurious anteroom

L. Has the disabled person guest room, in this room the equipment cansatisfy the disabled person to live the daily life general request

M. Has article of stationery which adapts with the hotel itself starclass Has the hotel to serve the guide, the price list, the lodgingsrules and regulations, this city scenic site introduced that, thiscity travels the transportation map, with stays at an inn thepublication which the visitor adapts

N. The guest room, the bathroom comprehensively reorganizes 1 timeevery day, replaces the bed sheet and the pillowcase every day, theguest thing and 消耗品 supplemented uneven and enters the room bythe visitor request to sweep clear the reorganization as necessary,supplements the guest thing and 消耗品

O. Provides the night of bed service, the laying aside good nightcard, the fresh flower or presents as a gift the crystal

P.24h provides the cold hot drinks water used and the ice piece andfree provides the tea or the coffee

Q. In the guest room supposes the miniature bar (including smallrefrigerator), provides the sufficient drink, and in the appropriateposition laying aside hard liquor, has drinks wine the appliance andthe liquor list

R. The visitor receives callers in the room, but should request toprovide adds the chair and the tea service

S. Provides awakens the service

T. Provides the message service

U. Provides the clothing to dry clean, wet washes, 熨烫 and thepatching service, may return the visitor in 24h 18h to provide theurgent service

V. Has the delivering meal menu and drinks 料单,24h to provide thewestern-style breakfast, the full meal delivering meal service Thedelivering meal vegetable type variety many to 10 kinds, the drinkvariety many to 8 kinds, the sweets variety many to 6 kinds, has mayhang sets at outside the gate to deliver the menu board

W. Provides flatters the service

6.5.9 dining rooms and bar

A. Always meal the figure and the guest room reception abilityadapt

B. Has the layout to be reasonable, decorates the luxurious centerdining room At least can provide 2 kind of flavors the Chinese mealsThe supper finished the visitor to order food the time not to beearlier than 22 o'clock

C. Has the layout reasonably, the decoration is luxurious, the stylelofty high-quality west dining room, has the special western-stylefood kitchen

D. Has 独具特色, the style is lofty, position reasonable cafe(simple west dining room) Can provide the self-service breakfast,western-style full meal The cafe (or has a dining room) the businesshour many and has the explicit business hour to 18h

E. Has the right amount banquet only once in a while small banquethall Can provide the western-style banquet service

F. Has the position reasonably, the decoration is lofty, has thecharacteristic, independent enclosed bar

G. The dining room and the bar manager, the gang foreman and theservice person can use the fluent English to provide the service Thedining room and the bar at least can use 3 kind of foreign languages(English for necessary language classification) to provide the service

6.5.10 kitchens

A. Position reasonable, the layout science, guaranteed passeson the vegetable route to be short also not with other public regionsoverlapping

B. The wall surface 满铺 ceramic tile, with the deslicking material满铺 ground, has the suspended ceiling

C. 冷菜, between flour dim sum independent separation, has theenough air-conditioning equipment 冷菜 in has the air to disinfectthe facility

D. The rough machining the AND-OPERATION isolates, the operation thetemperature is suitable, the air conditioning supplies should be moresufficient than the guest room

E. Has the enough cold storage

F. Washes between the bowl the position to be reasonable

G. Has specially laying aside temporary trash the facility andmaintains its seal

H. Between the kitchen and the dining room, has sound-insulated, theheat insulation and separates the smell function the turnoverseparated spring door

I. Adopts effectively disappears kills the mosquito musca, insect pestmeasure and so on cockroach

6.5.11 public regions

A. Has the parking lot (underground parking garage or stopsbuilding).

B. Has the enough high grade guest to use the elevator, 轿thetheater box repair is lofty, and has the service elevator

C. Has the public telephone local, and provides the telephonedirectory

D. Has public bathroom which the men and women establishes a branch

E. Has the market, sells the travel daily thing, the travelingsouvenir, commodity and so on handicraft

F. Has the business center, the retail postage stamp, issues 0Nanother's behalf the letter, handles the telegram, the fax, thefacsimile, the photocopying, the international long-distance telephonecall, the domestic baggage consigns for shipment, flushing roll filmand so on Provides service and so on typing

G. Has the medical office

H. Provides the purchasing transportation, the shade play, ticketclerk and so on visit serves

I. Local provides goes sightseeing the service

J. Has the emergency power supply private line and the emergency flare

6.5.12 choices projects (altogether 78 items, at least have 35 items)

65.12.1 guest rooms (10 items >

A. In the guest room the passable seeing and hearing equipmenthas provided the bill and so on the invisibility inquiry service,provides the pronunciation mailbox service

B. The bathroom has the tap water system

C. Many showers to 50% guest room bathroom with the bathtubestablishes a branch

D. Many does to 50% guest room bathroom 湿区 separates (hasindependence to put on make-up).

E. All anterooms establish a branch the bathroom which usesfor the master and the visit person

F. Supposes the commercial floor, may handle into the registration andto the shop procedure in the floor, the floor has the business centerwhich uses for the visitor and rests the place

G. In the commercial floor guest room has the receiving anddispatching facsimile or the email equipment

H. Provides in the free shop for the visitor the beeper service

I.24h provides washes clothes the urgent service

J. Entrusts charge d'affaires to serve (key to a problem service) dining rooms and bar (8 items)

A. Has the great hall bar

B. Has the specialized teahouse

C. Has besides the west dining room other foreign dining rooms, hasthe special kitchen

D. Has the cake room

E. Has the flavor dining room

F. Has at least holds 200 person of official banquets the big banquethalls, has the special banquet kitchen

G. Some at least 10 different flavors dining room (size banquet hallis an exception).

H. Has the 24h business the dining room commercial facilities and service (5 items)

A. Provides the internet service, the transmission speed isnot smaller than 64kbit/s.

B. Seal telephone booth (at least 2).

C. The discussion room (at least holds 10 people).

D. Provides the written translation, the interpretion and theprofessional secretary serves

E. The library (at least has 1,000 volume of books). conferences facilities (10 items)

A. Has at least holds 200 person of conferences thespecial-purpose assembly halls, has the cloak room

B. At least has 2 small conference rooms

C. Simultaneous interpretation facility (at least 4 languages).

D. Has the teleconference facility

E. Has the scene to regard the audio frequency retransmission system

F. Has for the hiring computer and the computer projecting apparatus,ordinary film projecting apparatus, slide projector, videorecorder,document grinder

G. Has the special photocopying room, provides the enough duplicatorequipment

H. Has the modernized electron to print and to bind the equipment

I. Has the photography roll film to flush the India room

J. Some at least 5,000 square meters exhibition halls public and healthy entertainment facility (42 items)

A. 歌舞厅

B. Kara OK hall or KTV room (at least 4 >

C. Mechanical games room

D. Chess sign room

E. Shade theater

F. Regular dance performance

G. The multi-purpose hall, can provide the conference, the cold foodmeeting, service and so on cocktail party and concurrently makes thesingsong house, the ballroom

H. Gymnasium

I. Massage room

J. 桑拿浴

K. Steam bath

L. Surfing bath

M. Solarium

N. Indoor swimming pool (water surface area at least 40 squaremeters).

O. Outside swimming pool (water surface area at least 100square meters).

P. Tennis court

Q. Bowling room (at least 4).

R. Climbs the crag practice room

8. Handball room

T. Billiards room

U. The multi-purpose synthesis healthy body massage supports

V. Electronic simulation golf course

W. The golf practices the field

X. Golf course. (at least 9 holes)

Y. Velodrome

Z. Park

M. Racecourse

Ab. Fire range

Ac. Archery field

Ad. The actual combat simulates the recreation field

Ae. Ping pong room

Af. Skating rink

Ag. Outside ski field

Ah. Uses for oneself the seashore bathing place

Ai. Diving

Aj. Marine surfing

Ak. Fishes

Al. Improves looks beautifully sends the room

Am. High-quality goods shop

An. Independent bookstore

Ao. Independent fresh flower shop

Ap. Baby nursing and child amusement room safety equipments (3 items)

A. Electronic card door lock

B. Guest room valuables safety deposit box

C. Supplies for oneself the generating system


五星级酒店英文是five-star hotel。

读音:[faɪv stɑːr hoʊˈtel]



固定搭配:Five-Star Hotel of the Year年度最佳五星级酒店。


1、I want to treat my friends at five-star hotel.


2、First let's look at a five-star hotel project on Minzu road.


3、The White Swan Hotel is one of the first five-star hotels in China.
