十、天苍苍,雨茫茫,我在VFEEL KTV这里求订房。酒穿肠,把歌唱,VFEEL KTV的美女排成行玩的爽,醉何妨,VFEEL KTV的明天更辉煌!
三、嘿,能不能麻烦你把费雯丽的乱世佳人和嘉宝的茶花女还有泰坦尼克号也发给我,谢谢 [email protected]
[转帖]国外十大美女第十名珍妮佛·安妮顿(JenniferAniston)珍妮佛·安妮顿外表娇俏可人的,有着天使般的脸庞和魔鬼身材,她不断变化的发型则是北美女性争先效仿的时尚。拥有特殊的迷人特质,“非常吸引人却不做作”,不仅男性观众喜欢她,女性观众也想模仿她的发型与服装,被评为00年“五十名全世界最漂亮人物”之一。第九名英丽·褒曼(IngridBergman)她曾被誉为“好莱坞第一夫人”,即使不穿华贵的衣饰,也同样熠熠生辉。端庄的容貌,迷人的嗓音,非凡的演技为观众们留下许多经典影片。褒曼美丽端庄、嗓音迷人、表演轻松自然,凭着惊人的美貌和非凡的演技,迅速成为好莱坞的大红星。她的表演自然纯朴,在她表演的角色中,你不可能找到褒曼本人的影子,那种真实性吸引你去一遍遍地欣赏她的作品。一生都不努力进取的她实现了自己的梦想。如今人们已永远记住了她和她那些美丽动人的银幕形象,她是她那个时代最光彩照人的明星。1年月日,这位伟大的女演员逝世于伦敦寓所,终年六十第八名艾尔·麦克珀森(ElleMacPherson)澳大利亚美女艾尔是世界泳装名模,有着做现代健美型模特儿的天赋。曾当选为世界“十大最美丽的女人胸部”第五位,“00年度全球女人最艳羡的十大魔鬼身材”第八位 第七名伊莉莎白·赫莉(ElizabethHurley)当今好莱坞众多女星中,美艳和性感的象征非伊丽莎白·赫莉莫属。这位魔鬼的代言人,是诱惑和邪恶的化身,那张幽雅精致的面孔蕴涵着高贵的气质,俏脸的背后却深藏着聪、轻狂、略带反判的性。她是个最擅长利用服装展示自己美丽曲网的女演员,有着令人难忘的美艳。高挑曼妙的身体曲网,无时无刻不在散发着美艳和性感的气息,更被誉为“英国第一美人”。还曾被英国《Gs》杂志选为“全球最性感二百位女性”之一,成功击败名模KateMoss、“股后”珍妮佛·洛佩兹等,以大热门姿态登上新一代性感女神宝座第六名娜塔莉·安博莉亚(NatalieImbruglia)来自澳洲的娜塔莉·安博莉亚发迹于英国的电视剧,演而优则唱。她曾谦虚地说:“自己的声音要是录成了唱片,那一定是不能听的。”而她一首《Torn》蝉联了英国广播电台一整年的点播率最高的歌曲,荣获英国太阳日票选“年度最佳女歌手”、MTV“最佳新人”及Billboard“最佳年度单曲”、“最受欢迎女艺人”等殊荣,在家乡澳洲更是获奖重重,全球专辑销售数字高达00万张。她还是个不爱表现的人,喜欢穿松松垮垮的衣服,住在宁静偏僻的小镇或小岛第五名蕾丝·凯丽(Grace Kelly)她是奥影后,也是一国的王后。在银幕上高贵美丽,在摩纳哥的王宫里也光彩照人。蕾丝·凯丽,是个优雅的女人。好莱坞,乃至全世界都被这个名字就叫做“优雅”的女人身上所蕴涵着的那种娴静、圣洁、高贵的古典美所吸引。人们眩惑于她那一头闪烁光泽的金发,海水一样湛蓝的眸子和细腻光洁白皙得如月光的脸。不仅如此,她还有着最为妩媚含情的笑容,最为摇曳生姿的步态,她的整个身体就是由温柔与优雅组成,高贵得有如芬香的醇酒第四名安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)野性十足的好莱坞女星安吉丽娜·朱莉在美国娱乐圈有“邪恶娃娃”和“野蛮女人”的“美誉”。《古墓丽影》系列的成功,让“劳拉”的巾帼“英雌”形象深入人心。一个有心计的美女,眼角眉梢渲染着叛逆。如果她不做演员,你也会对她另眼看待:她的大眼睛、直翘鼻子、高的胸、长的腿;那似乎没有髋部却走得坚硬的步伐,那似捣碎的浆糊一样的声音,性感得让人麻醉。她是好莱坞的狂野之唇,是好莱坞的末的主题———忍不住让人说:“在你被指控之前,让我吻你。”第三名凯特·布兰切特(CateBlanchett)在西方人的眼中,凯特·布兰切特是公认的气质最为高雅的女明星之一。所以,她击败安吉丽娜·朱莉和蕾丝·凯丽等人,排在第三不足为奇。同样是来自澳大利亚的妮可·基德曼最终连前十名都没有能够排进去。虽然她只演过三部影片,却塑造了三个完全不同的角色。她极力反对那种以女演员的外形来判断其成功与否的论调,她认为这完全忽略了演员的表演。要想成为一名出色的女演员,不是在镜头前展示美貌和个性,而是要有擅变的能力,透过角色的外表挖掘人物的内在。凯特是这样认为的,也是这样做的。《Elle》对切特的评介是:“她的笑容是最有亲和力,也是最有魅力的。”第二名:丽芙·泰勒(LivTyler)丽芙·泰勒的人气随着《指环王》中她所扮演的精灵公主而升到了顶点。她身高接近1.米,具有模特般身材,却有着天使一般的面容。这位来自美国缅因州波特兰市风情万种的美女总是令全世界的影迷神魂颠倒,而从神奇瑰丽的“魔戒”中走来的仙女让我们领略到不沾烟火的圣洁之美。贝托·鲁齐称她是“来自纽约的女神”,詹姆曼·高德称她是“00年代无邪女孩的象征”,连曾经和她合作过的奥影帝汤姆·汉克都称她为“新清秀佳人”。1年曾当选《人物》全球最美0人 《Elle》杂志口口声声地说:“丽芙具有不食人间烟火的气质,她是精灵公主,更是公主中的精灵。”第一名:奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn) 1年奥黛丽·赫本与好莱坞著名影星利高里·派克一起主演了《罗马假日》,该片风靡世界,她扮演的楚楚动人的安妮公主令她获得了奥最佳女演员奖。而从《罗马假日》到《蒂凡妮早餐》,再到《窈窕淑女》,奥黛丽·赫本用自己的灵秀和聪慧成就了一段银幕神话。一头黑色短发,外貌优美脱俗,体态轻盈苗条的赫本,在金发性感女郎风行的年代,一下子吸引了观众的目光。她的巨大的知名度有一部分是因为她举止高贵,具有一种古典美,完全不同与同时代的女明星们的性感女神的定位。赫本一生共拍摄了1部影片,她的优雅和风度永远留在这些影片中……1年被选为《人物》评选的世界上最美丽的0位女性之一 虽然已逝世多年,但她永远是影迷心中的女神。《Elle》杂志称:“她是落入凡间的天使,她的身上有一种独一无二的美丽。”
六、电影《乱世佳人》主人公人物分析 英文的简单260——300字即可
Analysis of Scarlett in Gone with the Wind
"Gone With the Wind” is my favorite novel written by Margaret Mitchell, a southerner in the U.S., and the situation is described from the southern point of view. The author, used many stories she heard from her family who had lived through it, to weave this thrilling novel. It is full of dashing, daring men and women, thrilling episodes, and much romance. The heroine Scarlett in this book is so different from a traditional Chinese woman that I have decided to write something about her.
'Gone with the Wind' has represented the turbulent social reality in the South in American Civil War. Scarlett O’hara is beautiful then, in order to realize her dream of living better, she regards love and marriage as a chip of trade. There’s no true love in her three marriages, until the end, she understands that Ashley, the person she bears in mind for twelve years is not her true love, but one beautiful unreal image belongs to the South in the past and does not adapt to this coming new society. The person who she really loves is similar to her --- Rhett Butler.
To understand Scarlett better, I divided the essay into 4 parts as followed.
1. Scarlett’s Growth
Scarlett's growth can be divided mainly in two periods,before the Civil War and after it.To understand Scralett,we should know the two different ways of life have a great influence on Scralett’s character.
Before the Civil War breaks out, Scralett as well as other old aristocratic young ladies in the south lives an easy,luxurious life full of barbecues,balls and flirting with beaus.For a young lady who has only got 16,the life for her just means learning the arts and graces of being more attractive to men,which is also the south society’s regulation of woman.On one hand,by the diligently stubborn teaching of her mother and black mammy, the seed off the purity and tradition are buried deeply in her mind. But on the other hand,her Irish father also influences her by the Irish stubbornness,arrogance,etc.These two spirits conflicts frequently in the young girl’s mind.Just like her spreading skirts,the demureness of hair netted smoothly into a chignon and the quietness of small white hands folded in her lap, her true self was poorly concealed.
After the Civil War, Scralett’s true self, which is apparently opposite to the lady-mannered discipline of the old south,crazily yield sand matures in the desolate earth after the war.Scarlett’s anti-traditional behavior is more and more undisguised.
2. Scarlett’s Character of Breaking the Rules
Part of Scarlett's enduring charm for me is her aspiration to break the rules. She challenges nineteenth-century society's gender roles repeatedly, running a store and two lumber mills at one point. Scarlett is in some ways the least stereotypically feminine of women (in other ways the most), and the more traditional Melanie Wilkes is in many ways her foil. But Scarlett survives the war, several marriages, the birth of children, and even a miscarriage. Melanie, on the other hand, struggles with fragile health and a shy nature. Without Melanie Wilkes, Scarlett might simply be seen as harsh and "over the top", but beside Melanie, Scarlett presents a fresher, deeper female characterization; she lives a complicated life during a difficult period of history.
3. Scarlett’s Hopes and defects
The other charm of Scarlett to me is that she is always full of hopes of tomorrow, life and the future. Some of her lines from Gone with the Wind, like "Fiddle-dee-dee!" "Tomorrow is another day," "Great balls of fire!" and "I'll never be hungry again!" have become well-known all around the world. She is charming and candid.The dream of tomorrow would call back the strength to live today, and the hope of future would help her to swallow all the bitterness of the present.The land is the only thing,which helps her to maintain her consciousness of tomorrow.From the beginning to the end,land Traa is always the core of Scralett’s life.Her constant care for Traa is never stopped because only from it her consciousness of tomorrow can be realized.Land is the only thing in the world that amounts to anything.For it’s the only thing in this world that lasts;it’s the only thing worth fighting for.
Scarlett is remained as one of the most controversial literature figures from the day the book published till now.Her bad deed,bad words and bad thoughts after the war-time appropriately reflect her natural character——mixture,she is a blending of the good and evil,of practical and ideal,of despair and hope,and of yesterday and tomorrow.She is by far the most developed character in “Gone with the Wind.” She stands out because she is strong and saves her family but is incredibly selfish and petty at the same time.
4. Conclusion
From the analysis of her character, she cannot be regarded as a perfect woman. By a rough glimpse, she seems to be a rude,ignorant,and hypocritical remaining of the old Southern aristocrats.Just like other southern people,she hates the war, disgusts the new established south government, deeply recalls the previous life,together with the careless revealing of her attitude towards slavery.They become the root where the criticism derives from.However, Scarlett is real and believable.
Forgetting the past doesn’t really mean that nothing has happened. Forgetting the past is to accumulate energy of the future.The purpose of Scarlett’s looking forward is to survive to fight, because that is the miracle literature has created to attract,to move,and to encourage the people wherever they are. The old are gone with the wind, while the new are gathering new strength to march on.