

A better leisure business club combining business and entertainment. "Title: current use" Oscar Barbie entertainment club KTV noble "title: current use",luxury especially a "senior entertainment pool". It is the center and pillar of "title: current use" entertainment and cultural industry. Our business area is more than 8000 square meters. Have better VIP room and hall. We have purchased audio facilities from Spain and installed billiards and LCD TV. It has its own underground parking lot. Classic European design concept,luxurious European decoration,the overall style is beautiful and beautiful. Forget perfection阳东KTV招聘模特礼仪

阳东KTV招聘公主DJyou must enjoy the noble business environment of professional management,noble spirit and elegance,and emphasize the warm and comfortable humanized service industry with social celebrities and business leaders as the main goal to realize the brand culture of enterprise service industry. The consumption of small bags is 910 yuan,and the price of beer is 500 yuan per dozen。

with snacks. Concession阳东KTV招聘模特礼仪